Sunday, September 9, 2012

My First Special! (kind of)

Wow! This series is really a lot of fun to make!  I've made it to 12 episodes!!

I have always loved World Adventures, but with the new addition of Supernatural, there are just so many unexpected happenings to deal with.  Today, I actually sat down to record and did quite a bit of in-recording editing.  Even with making some heavy cuts, the time just crept up on me and I ended up with my very first hour-long special!  It wasn't intended, but if you like longer videos, you are in for a treat!

One word on the next episode - I had to split the episode into two parts so there will be no intro to Episode 12 (nor any ending for episode 11).  I really didn't do a great job on watching the timer but will be more diligent in the future!!

Thank you for stopping by here and I hope you return!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sims 3 World Adventures Let's Play Series

Welcome to my blog.  I'm really excited to introduce my very first Let's Play series of The Sims 3.

The series started this past week and the first six episodes are now available on my youtube channel (Llandros09).  I decided to hold off on doing a Supernatural LP and any other expansion until after Seasons is released, although I'm really tempted to go ahead and dive into a Supernatural series as well.  I don't really know why but I just feel like something major is missing now that I have seen some of what we can expect in November.

World Adventures will not actually have seasonal changes so I decided that I would start there and fully explore all three travel destinations.  I do enjoy this expansion pack and I am really enjoying my first ever series.

I am VERY low on subscribers but will still continue to create these videos in the hopes that the viewers will eventually come.  I hope that if you are reading this blog, you will join me in the series and comment on what you like and don't like - your input is greatly needed!

So welcome again and thank you for dropping by.  I hope to see you again soon!  

I will leave you with a link to the very first episode in this series.